News & Medias


Interview of Dr Guillaume REMOND, LAPROVET’s Managing Director, which describe the strategic positioning and vision of the company during the VIV Bangkok in March 2015

Posté le 25 février 2016Lire la suite...


A new award for LAPROVET’s performances in 2014! Read the article from « La Nouvelle République » newspaper published on 16/12/2014 in MEDIAS section.

Posté le 5 février 2015Lire la suite...

VIV, International Trade Fair for Intensive Animal Production, Netherlands, May 2014

To develop its global activities, especially in poultry farming, LAPROVET’s team was at the VIV gathering in Utrecht, May 19-22. Our well-decorated stand attracted many visitors interested in our products. During four days, we met our long-standing partners and discussed with them about our common activities. Many potential distributors also showed interest to work with […]

Posté le 23 octobre 2014Lire la suite...